Club Radio Station
EVARC operates a club radio station at the Estes Park Memorial Observatory. The station includes:
- ICOM 7300 HF radio
- Yaesu FT-890 HF radio
- 82-foot dipole and 100-foot fan dipole antennas
- Hy-Gain Tri-Band 3-element directional beam antenna for 10, 15, and 20-meters
- Two ICOM 9700 UHF/VHF radios
- UHF/VHF satellite tracking antenna
- Two X-50 UHF/VHF antennas
- Yaesu FT-8900 UHF/VHF radio
- Computers for running the tracking antenna and operating Winlink
Currently the ICOM 7300 is used for training Estes Park school students and for club events. Plans call for the UHF/VHF radios to be used for ARES weekly nets and ARES activation.